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Joke Library:

Funniest jokes about money, wealth, and rich people:

A gentleman in his sixties stops his Rolls-Royce to give a ride to a girl who was hitchhiking on the road. As soon as they drove off, the girl took a decisive step. With a quick movement, she pulled off her panties and said:
- The windows of the car are fogged up. Let me clean them.

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A young millionaire is madly in love and wants to get married. One day he says to his chosen one:
- What do you think about us spending my money together?
- Dear, I agree.
- I want to say that we will need all our lives to spend my riches.
- Oh, don't worry, dear. I don't think it will take that long!

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Two friends meet who have not seen each other for several decades.
The first one asks:
- How are you doing?
- Excellent, there is a cottage, and a car, and an apartment - in short, everything you need.
- And how did you manage to achieve all this?
- Yes, I own one three-story brothel: on the first floor there are prostitutes from 18 to 25 years old, on the second - from 25 to 45 years old, and on the third - gays.
- You're lucky!
- Don't tell me. If you knew how hard it all got to me, because at first I had very big strains with money, so I had to send my daughter to the first floor, my wife to the second, and myself to go to the third ...

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The student of the seminary fell in love with the daughter of a rich man. He decided to get married. The groom came to talk with the father of the bride.
- Do you know that my daughter is used to not denying herself anything? She buys fur coats and jewelry every other day. Can you provide it for her?
- God will help me!
- And she also changes expensive cars several times a year.
- God will help me!
- She still often travels abroad, on vacation, for shopping ...
- God will help me!
Later, the daughter asks:
- Dad, did you like my fiancé?
- He, of course, is a complete zero, but it's nice that he calls me God...

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- Does your bank give loans on verbal promise?
- No problem...
- What if I don't return the money?
- You will be ashamed before the Almighty when you appear in front of him.
- When will it be...
- Now, if you don't return by the fifth, you will appear before him on the sixth.

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Guys, please make me a CEO of Facebook, Tesla, or Apple. I will pay off my mortgage and that's it, I will quit on my own, I promise. I calculated everything; to close the mortgage in this position it will take me just 17 seconds.

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Two stock traders talk to each other:
- This is wonderful! You came to the market only six months ago, and you already have a million dollars. How did you achieve this?
- Well, the answer is very simple. I started with two million...

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Going up to the window of the bank, a tastelessly dressed young man addresses the teller:
- Listen, cow, I want to open an account here.
- How dare you? - the woman shook with indignation.
- Whore, didn't you hear! - I want to open an account.
The teller jumped up from her chair and soon returned with the bank manager.
- What happened?- the manager asked.
- Nothing, - the man replied. - Here I won a million in the lottery, and this cow...
- I get it, - said the manager and turned to the cashier:
- You, cow, do what a respected client orders, and quickly!

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- I heard you got rich. How did you do it?
- Very simple. I transported tourists to and from the island. I charged 20 bucks to go there.
- Well, that's not a lot.
- Yes, but I charged 3 times that to go back.

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The American billionaire, groaning, clutches his heart and anxiously says to his assistant:
- Roger, quickly buy some decent hospital. I think I'm having a heart attack.

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